
This page lists the Eco projects happening in schools and youth organisations. 

A lot is happening but information is still being collected from schools so keep checking back to see the list grow.

Secondary Schools and Colleges   

The Big Feed 2019  click to see video

Picnic blankets to sit outside

Geography travel further 

Bird sculptures (image)

Active Travel
















Waste separation bins

Paper/card recycling

Water stations around the school to re-fill water bottles

Raised beds for pollinator plants

Active travel schemes

 Big Fig Pull at L’Eree




IRIS Treezilla

IRIS Carbon Capture

Recycling Revolution

Hike or Bike Fridays

Renewable energy projects





Reducing food waste

Paper recycling

Activity reducing energy consumption

Paperless where possible

Low carbon footprint INWED day




Eco club- raising awareness of our planet (all year groups)










Recycling all waste

Eliminating single use plastics

Bugs and bee hotel in grounds

Reducing printed paper

Planting trees

Pollinators patch

Eco curriculum activities

School allotments

Eco Successes at EC (pdf)


School Allotments

Active Travel

School Nature Trail

Planting Trees

IRIS Carbon Footprint

IRIS Melting Antarctic

IRIS Tree Planting

IRIS Bioplastic



Outdoor Learning
Bird Watching

Outdoor education

Litter Picking with Pick it up Guernsey









Reduce reusing printing

Raising Awareness of Global Development Goals

Crisp Packet Recycling

Lots of work in curriculum

Tree planting

Beach cleans

Bat boxes, bird houses

Eco successes at St Annes (pdf)

Primary Schools

Youth Organisations

Project with Clean Earth trust

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


Inspires and encourages young people to interact with the environment around them by asking questions. Superb resources for environmental education

Institute for Research in schools. Schools sign up to join and it opens up wonderful opportunities to work with real scientists and use real data to do research. Student conference held each year.

States of Guernsey Wildlife and Diversity Strategy

Excellent Resources for Primary and KS3 on Pollution and Clean Air from the Great Science Share